How to Prevent Your Glasses Fogging Up


Walking into a warm room from the cold, opening up an oven and in more recent years, wearing face coverings, are situations all glasses-wearers dread. The good news is that the fogging that occurs when warm air hits cold glass lenses is something that can be prevented, or at the very least mitigated. Read on for our tips on how to get around this common problem.

How to Prevent Your Glasses Fogging Up

Use Anti-Fog Sprays or Wipes

Anti-fog sprays and wipes work by creating a protective layer over your lenses to prevent condensation occurring. Their easy-to-use designs mean that the glasses wearer simply has to spray the lenses or wipe them down with the anti-fog cloth and allow it to dry. Most online retailers and opticians, including ours here in Bromley, stock anti-fog products. To remain fog-free, the glasses-wearer will need to either re-spray or re-wipe after noticing a decline in the effectiveness or after cleaning the lenses.

Use a Lens Cloth with Anti-Fog Coating

These microfibre clothes come pre-treated with anti-fogging agents, meaning that you can clean your glasses as normal while also protecting them from fog. They are reusable and remain effective for extended periods of time.

Proper Fitting Glasses

If you’re wearing ill-fitting glasses that sit too close to your face, you may suffer more than average with fogging due to there being less room for air to circulate. If adjusting your current glasses doesn’t help, consider frames that are better suited for preventing fogging, such as those with nose pads that keep the lenses elevated.

Consider Anti-Fog Coated Lenses

If you suffer from fogging more than the average glasses-wearer, perhaps due to the nature of your job, then you may benefit from having an anti-fog coating professionally applied to your lenses. This is a long-term solution to a particularly persistent problem.

Try the Soap and Water Method

Using dish soap and water is a popular home remedy to prevent fogged-up glasses. The soap leaves a thin film over the lenses that reduces surface tension, preventing water molecules from sticking when condensation occurs.

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